Your Canadian Patent Search Ends Here
Before preparing and filing a patent application an international patent search can be useful. An international patent search is a search that considers patent databases from multiple countries including, for example, patent documents from a patent office in USA, Canada, Europe, WIPO PCT, Australia, and English translations of bibliographic and abstract details from patent offices in Russia, Japan, Korea, and China. Furthermore, in each country the patent search will consider all types of published patent documents including granted patents, expired patents, pending applications, or abandoned applications or patents.
Why is such an international and comprehensive coverage of a patent search recommended? The reason is that any examination of patentability of claims of a patent application is not limited to patent documents within the designated patent office of examination. Consider a working example, of a patent application filed only in the Canadian patent office.
During examination does patentability of these Canadian application patent lawyers in Canada have to be established based on distinguishing it only from previously published documents in the Canadian patent database? The answer is no. The Canadian patent office can conduct a patent search that has international coverage and can challenge patentability of the Canadian application with any published patent document from any patent office in any country.
Additionally patentability can be challenged using any published document in any country including, for example, scientific articles, technical bulletins, product manuals, books, magazines, website content, product packaging, etc. International patent searches can be conducted for less than $1500, while a search of non-patent literature is much more expensive and estimates are provided on an individual case specific basis.
We work according to the requirement
There are few things that cannot be patented, in that certain types of inventions are considered ineligible for patent protection. This mainly includes new plant matters, some computer programs, animal organisms such as mammals and more specifically humans, and medical treatment within the body. Patent searches are conducted in context of eligibility requirements so that results of the patent search provide guidance as to likelihood of patentability of a proposed invention.
As part of the patent search process, patent eligibility of the proposed invention can be assessed. Different countries have different eligibility requirements and guidance can be provided to better understand differences in eligibility barriers that may be encountered during examination in different patent offices.
Adhere to our patent advisors
Documents identified in a patent search can be applied using different standards of novelty and inventive step. The patent search is done based on an understanding of both novelty and inventive step and results of the patent search are provided with practical guidance for the things that you have to keep in mind. You can also speak to an advisor to understand the entire process and obligations during examination at a targeted patent office.
PatentAxis understands that your invention is important and can help you get an international patent search and thereby offer proper solutions.
Count of our registered patent lawyer and agent and end your patent search!